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Showing posts from October, 2014

Parallel universes DO exist - and they interact, theory suggests

Imagine a world where dinosaurs hadn't become extinct, Germany had won World War II and you were born in an entirely different country. These worlds could exist today in parallel universes, which constantly interact with each other, according to a group of US and Australian researchers. It may sound like science fiction, but the new theory could resolve some of the irregularities in quantum mechanics that have baffled scientists for centuries.

The Truth About Spirituality | Wild Truth

A spiritual person is connected with his spirit. To do this fully he must have access to his deepest psyche, and thus have resolved his most ancient psychic traumas. To get there he will have passed through hell, and thus will know how to help others get out of there too. If he has not resolved his traumas, however, they will block his conscious connection with his spirit, and will stunt his burgeoning spirituality. Only the fully emotionally evolved are pure and honestly spiritual; the rest are partially false, which we all are until we become fully enlightened. The world is full of pseudo-spiritual leaders, both religious and medical. They are false because they live unconsciously. They only know themselves partially. They are not deeply connected with their most profound truths. They are in denial of the rage seething in their depths, and the sorrow beneath that. But what makes them the most dangerous – primarily to those over whom they wield power – is that they can’t even admit it...